How to recognize osteochondrosis

Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the structure of the spine and adjacent tissues are called osteochondrosis. More than 70% of the world's population experienced back pain, accompanied by a deterioration in mobility, and many of them did not even suspect that all these troubles were signs of osteochondrosis, the most common spinal disease. It is very important to recognize the problem in the initial stage, as the later stages of the disease are difficult to treat and by starting the disease you risk losing complete mobility.

neck pain with osteochondrosis

Today we will talk about how osteochondrosis manifests itself and what symptoms accompany this disease.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

The process of destruction in osteochondrosis affects not only the bony cartilage tissue of the spine, but also the vessels, arteries, nerve endings, therefore the symptoms, or more precisely the osteochondrosis syndromes, are combined according to the general clinical manifestations of the disease. .

  1. Due to the change and destruction of the vertebrae, excessive pressure occurs in the vessels, the main arteries, as a result, the blood supply deteriorates, hypoxia develops - this syndrome is called vascular syndrome.
  2. Vertebral deformity, which occurs during the disease, brings about abnormal changes in the spine (lordosis, scoliosis, kyphosis), a banal change in posture is a static syndrome.
  3. Damage to nerve endings, blood vessels and arteries leads to a deterioration of metabolic processes in tissues, their supply of nutrients, as a result of which appear symptoms (in the form of ulcerative manifestations on the skin) of osteochondrosis, called trophic syndrome.
  4. Damage to nerve endings is accompanied by numbness of the skin, deterioration of muscle response, such symptoms of the disease are called neurological syndromes.

The disease can affect any segment of the spine - cervix, chest, lumbar, in addition, often catches two sections at once. The signs of osteochondrosis depend directly on the place of its localization and the degree of destruction of the affected area.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae

Today, cervical osteochondrosis is diagnosed quite often in the working age population and the first signs, to which, as usual, few people pay attention, are frequent occipital headaches, gradually moving to the temporal region. Also, the initial stage of the disease is accompanied by discomfort, withdrawal of short-term pain in the back of the cervix, a crack when turning the head.

Further, without proper treatment, the disease progresses, the pain intensifies, the tenderness decreases (this is due to a deterioration of the blood supply) of the upper shoulder girdle.

The apogee of the disease is a complete loss of motor activity of the upper limbs. Also, the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, which arise as a result of impaired blood supply, are:

  • deterioration of the functions of the vestibular apparatus, dizziness, tingling, tingling, whistling in the ear; impaired visual function (blurred vision, flies in front of the eyes);
  • in the elderly, periodic loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, and lack of oxygen are possible.

In addition, a person may suffer from snoring, numbness, feeling of coldness in the fingers often occurs, the probability of violation of coordination of movements is high.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the chest region

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic vertebrae is a fairly rare disease, as in this place the spine is less mobile and supported by a strong rib frame. However, this disease occurs and the signs of osteochondrosis of the chest region are very different.

The initial stage of the disease is accompanied by pain in the chest, descending to the upper abdomen. The symptoms of osteochondrosis of the breast are often confused with the manifestations of other diseases - cholecystitis, angina pectoris, and even renal colic. Very often, a patient comes to a cardiologist with complaints of pain in the heart region and after a thorough examination is referred to a neurologist with suspicion of osteochondrosis.

Depending on the location of the lesion (upper, middle, lower chest segment), symptoms such as cough, so-called "throat lump", gastritis, increased pressure, arrhythmia and impaired mobility may occur. of the intestine. . Therefore, before making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor should perform a thorough examination to rule out other diseases.

back pain with osteochondrosis

Symptoms of lumbar spine osteochondrosis

The initial manifestations of osteochondrosis are pulling pain in the lumbar region, radiating to the lower extremities. During rest, a person practically does not notice discomfort, but if he engages in physical work, makes a sudden movement or stays in one position for a long time, the pain sensations intensify, accompanied by lumbago and numbness of the lower extremities.

As the disease progresses, the pain syndrome may be given to the groin area, while the sacrum, taking a horizontal position, the person feels considerable relief. Lumbar spine osteochondrosis also has the following symptoms:

  • decreased sensitivity, tingling sensation, skin rash;
  • numbness of the legs, which may then develop into partial or complete paralysis;
  • a feeling of coldness in the feet, this is due to a violation of the blood supply due to congestion of arteries, blood vessels;
  • sweating function may be impaired;
  • also, due to a violation of the blood supply to the lower part of the spine, malfunctions of the genitourinary system are possible.

Osteochondrosis of any type is associated with a deterioration of vertebral motor activity, blood flow, compression of nerve endings, and spasms of muscle fibers. The initial stage of the disease responds well to treatment, which can not be said for the later stages, so it is very important that the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner and treatment is started.

Knowing the initial signs of spinal osteochondrosis, you have all the possibilities to overcome it completely, without the use of medications and surgical intervention, at this stage, complete recovery occurs after the use of physiotherapeutic procedures and therapeutic exercises. Be vigilant, listen to your body and then you will be able to avoid many problems.